1°- Nos conectamos al port CON a 9600 8-N-1 mediante hyperterminal o putty
root@:RE:0% ezsetup (ingreso este comando para comenzar el wizar de configuracion)
EZSetup Initializing..done.
Initial Setup Configuration
Enter System hostname [Optional]:SW_Contaduria
Enter new root password:xxxxxx
Re-enter the new password:xxxxxx
Enable Telnet service? [yes|no]. Default [no]:ENTER
Enable SSH service? [yes|no]. Default [yes]:ENTER
Switch Management
1: Configure in-band Management [interface vlan.XX]
2: Configure out-of-band management [me0.0]
Choose Option [1 or 2], default [1]:1
1: Use VLAN "default" for management
2: Create new VLAN for management
Choose Option [1 or 2], default [1]:1
Enter Management IP address []:10.x.x.x
Enter Subnetmask []:
Enter Gateway IP address:10.x.0.1
Configure SNMP [yes|no], default [yes]:ENTER
SNMP Configuration
Contact information for administrator, Enter contact [Optional]:ENTER
Community name, Enter community [Optional]:MiComu
Physical location of system, Enter location [Optional]:Lugar_Donde_estara
Enter System Time and Date YYYY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss [Optional]:ENTER
The input configuration parameters are
System Hostname: SW_Contaduria
Root password: ******
System Telnet Service: no
System SSH Service: yes
Management IP Address: x.x.x.x
Gateway IP Address: 10.x.0.1
VLAN for management: default
VLAN-id for management:
SNMP Community: MiComu
SNMP Location: Contaduria
SNMP Contact:
Commit the new configuration?
Choosing option "yes" will add new configuration to existing configuration.
Option "No" will allow user to come out of EZSetup wizard.
Choose option [yes|no], default [yes]:ENTER
Committing the new configuration, please wait.....
Commit success.
Ahora si queremos podemos ingresar mediante http://ip_del_switch
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